Power from the Heart

Power from the Heart, BARC’s community service program, is designed to help our members keep the electricity on when times are tough.
Power from the Heart is built upon the foundation of members helping members, a key characteristic of co-ops.
When a member experiences an unexpected financial hardship, paying the electric bill can become a challenge. Power from the Heart is intended to help those members in emergency situations who have fallen on hard times and require assistance paying their energy bills. The money raised from Power from the Heart is individually small, but cumulatively significant, and will make a tremendous difference in our members’ lives.
The Need
Approximately 15 out of every 100 people in our area struggle to pay their electricity bills. Every day, BARC member service representatives work diligently to find ways to help members avoid disconnects. Now, qualified members facing financial hardship can also find help through Power from the Heart.
More specifics:
- Screening and approval of applicants is done by the Salvation Army, Bath County Emergency Fund and Rockbridge Area Relief Association.
- Power from the Heart is not intended to be a regular remedy to paying bills but rather to serve as a last resort for members facing disconnection of their power due to an inability to pay.
Members provide the funds
Power from the Heart funds are raised exclusively by members for members and used to meet extraordinary local needs.
- Members enroll in the program and agree to have their electric bill rounded up to the next dollar each month from their account(s).
- The maximum contribution is $.99 each month. The average customer will contribute $6.00/year.
- Enrollment is voluntary. Members can discontinue participation in the program at any time.
- Funds are collected and deposited in a separate account at CornerStone Bank in Lexington, Virginia, who serves as custodian of donated money.
Enroll Now!
To enroll in BARC’s “Power from the Heart” program sign up under “Services” through our SmartHub customer portal or call us at 1-800-846-2272.