Net Metering/Forms

Net metering enables consumer investment in renewable energy generation to offset their consumption over a billing period, enabling customers to receive credit for the electricity they generate.

To get started at BARC Electric Cooperative, simply fill out and submit our net metering interconnection form. The form should be filled out and returned before the purchase or installation of the renewable energy generation system. Once filled out and turned in, an employee from BARC Electric Cooperative will contact you for follow-up.

An inspection appointment will be set to verify the system complies with the requirements for net metering. These requirements are, but are not limited to, an accessible lockable disconnect, sizing, and the inverters used on the renewable energy system are approved per IEEE 1547 (on loss of Utility Voltage, the renewable energy system stops pushing generated electricity to the Utility Distribution System).

If you should have additional questions you may contact Doug Webb at (800) 846-2272.

BARC Electric Cooperative System Net Energy Metering Capacity

Cooperative System Peak Calculation

Base System Peak (kW) 55,092
Less any CSP or MBR Service (kW) 0
Total System Peak Available for NEM 55,092
Total Residential Cap (4%, kW) 55,092 * 0.04 = 2,203.68 kW
Total Nonresidential Cap (1%, kW) 55,092 * 0.01 = 550.92 kW
Total Nonprofit & Nonjurisdictional Cap (2%, kW) 55,092 * 0.02 = 1,101.84 kW

NEM Systems Installed Capacity

Total Residential Capacity Installed (kW) 1,850.399 kW
Total Residential Capacity Including Pending (kW) 1,908.879 kW
Total Nonresidential Capacity Installed (kW) 0
Total Nonprofit & Nonjurisdictional Installed (kW) 1053.56 kW

NEM Capacity Available for Installation (Caps minus Installed Capacity)

Total Residential Capacity Available (kW) 353.281 kW
Total Residential Capacity Including Pending (kW) 294.801 kW
Total Nonresidential Capacity Available (kW) 550.92
Total Nonprofit & Nonjurisdictional Capacity Available (kW) 48.28 kW

Last Updated January 5, 2024

For Additional Information, Contact: Doug Webb at the BARC Electric Cooperative office, 800-846-2272.


“System Peak” is the highest peak (based on the noncoincident peak of the Cooperative or the coincident peak of all of the Cooperative’s customers) of the past three years listed in part O, Line 20 of Form 7 (Financial and Operating Report – Electric Distribution) Filed with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utility Service (RUS) or an equivalent form if the Cooperative is not an RUS borrower, less any portion of the Cooperative’s total load that is serviced by a competitive service provider or by a market-based rate.
The Cooperative shall abide by 20 VAC 5-315-40(B) in regard to its administration of and calculation of its caps.