BARC Welcomes Students Back to the Solar Classroom

BARC’s solar classroom located in their Lexington, VA facility has always been popular with the community providing in-person discussions of solar energy, how it works and how it benefits both BARC Electric consumers and the environment. Area students from public schools and universities, as well as local organizations across the area have taken part in discussions in the classroom including a tour of BARC’s community solar garden for several years.

In 2020, with the onset of the health pandemic, BARC discontinued classroom activities in the interest of safety for staff and the community. After a two-year hiatus, BARC happily welcomed its first group of students from Maury River Middle School on Thursday, May 5th. After-school students at the Rockbridge County middle school participated in an engaging discussion with BARC staff about various components related to energy including various energy types, renewable energy, and how solar options work to energize homes and businesses.

Students learned how BARC provides accessible solar options for all in its electric service area and the differences between onsite solar and community solar options. Following the discussion, students were able to tour the community solar garden in Lexington and see solar panels and equipment first-hand to better understand how the sun and solar panels are converted to useable energy.

BARC remains committed to renewable energy options for its electric consumers and continues to build opportunities as part of the cooperative’s overall sustainability plan through its SolarizeBARC program. If you are interested in learning more about how to engage with BARC’s educational opportunities, please contact the cooperative at 800-846-2272 and ask for Communications.