Energy Efficiency Tips
BARC offers an online tool for electric consumers helping you to conserve energy and ultimately saving money. Our online tools include home energy calculators and an easy-to-use energy audit. These tools provide estimates of energy usage and costs based on the specifics of your home and energy usage habits.
By keeping the warm air in during winter months, and the hot air out during summer months, you can help achieve energy efficiency in your home while staying comfortable and keeping your BARC electric bill affordable. Is your home as energy efficient as it can be? We have some tips below that can help you identify some ways to save energy and reduce costs on your electric bill.
Winter Saving Tips
For colder months:

- Lower your thermostat: BARC recommends setting your thermostat to 68 degrees or lower. If you have a heat pump, adjust your thermostat in 1-degree increments to avoid activating auxiliary heat.
- Seal air leaks: Drafts coming through openings can increase your heating bill by 20%.
- Reduce hot water usage: Adjust the temperature setting on your water heater to 120 degrees.
- Limit / eliminate use of space heaters: Instead, consider small electric blankets – safer and more efficient.
- Spare fridge or freezer: If not used or kept full, you can save money by emptying and unplugging until needed.
Additional suggestions for saving energy this winter:
- Use a programmable thermostat.
- Have your heating system serviced annually.
- Check your filters monthly and change when dirty.
- Don’t block heat supply or return air vents with furniture or other objects.
- Keep outside heating unit free of debris.
- Ensure ductwork is well insulated.
- Remove window air-conditioning units during winter.
- Make sure your fireplace damper seals tightly and remains closed except when a fire is burning.
- Open drapes and curtains to let the sun in during the day.
- Ensure windows and doors seal tightly when closed.
- Check your home’s insulation to ensure it is the current standard and there is not missing or compressed insulation. There should be about 13″ or R-38 in attics, R-15 for walls and 6″ or R-19 in crawl space floors.
- Do not run ceiling fans in the winter.
Summer Savings Tips
During warmer months:

- During the day or when you are not at home, set your thermostat at 78 degrees or the highest comfortable setting.
- Avoid placing electronics, lamps or TVs near your air-conditioning thermostat.
- Service your cooling system serviced annually.
- Check your filters monthly and replace when dirty.
- Don’t block your supply or return air vents with furniture or other objects.
- In the evenings, lower your thermostat to cool off the house.
- Check your cooling system’s ductwork to ensure it is well insulated.
- Close drapes and curtains to keep the sun out during the day.
- Check all windows and doors to be sure they seal tightly when closed.
- Check your home’s insulation to ensure it is the current standard and there is not missing or compressed insulation. There should be about 13″ or R-38 in attics, R-15 for walls and 6″ or R-19 in crawl space floors.
- Run ceiling fans only in occupied rooms.
Smart Thermostats
Did you know you can save as much as 10% annually on heating and cooling energy costs by changing the settings on your programmable thermostat? During winter months you can easily save energy and money by setting your thermostat to 68 degrees while you are awake or at home, and setting it lower while you sleep or are away from home.
During warmer months, follow the same strategy with air conditioning and keep your house warmer when you are not there. When you are home, BARC recommends setting the thermostat to 78 degrees. The more you reduce the difference in temperature between the indoors and outdoors, the more affordable your electric bill will be.
Smart thermostats can help ensure you maintain energy efficiency while staying comfortable in colder or warmer months and helping your cooperative during peak power times. A smart thermostat is a Wi-Fi enabled device that automatically adjusts heating and cooling temperature settings.