The staff at BARC Electric Cooperative enjoys the opportunity of presenting safety displays, energy efficiency programs, and other educational presentations to the public. Give us a call at 1-800-846-2272 or email to set up a demonstration at your school, club, or other function.

Safety – BARC employees will bring a safety display to your school, club, or just about any gathering to teach safety around electricity. He brings a display about safety around substations, overhead power lines, underground power lines, and a variety of other situations. He often brings one of our lineman and a bucket truck to demonstrate the safety equipment they use on a daily basis.
Cooperative Difference – We are always willing to share the story of the Cooperative Difference and the benefits involved in being a member owner. This can be done in conjunction with any of the other demonstrations we offer.
Custom Demonstrations-If your group or organization has something in particular you would like to discuss, give us a call and we will see if we can tailor a program for you.
Educational Tours

We offer educational tours of our community solar garden and solar classroom located at our Highland Belle Facility. These tours are educational and open to all groups and ages. If you are interested in scheduling a tour, please contact BARC’s Communications Director at 800-846-2272.
BARC works in conjuction with our statewide association, the Virginia, Maryland and Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives, on a scholarship program that is awarded each year to a local high school student. For more information, see our scholarship page.