Contact Us
Physical Location
BARC Electric Cooperative84 High Street
P.O. Box 264
Millboro, VA 24460-0264
Phone: 800-846-BARC (2272)
Fax: 540-997-9011

The cooperative recognizes the following holidays:
- New Years Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Thursday & Friday
- Christmas Day
Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Driving Directions
From Lexington
Take 64 west to exit 43 (Goshen Exit). Turn right at the end of the exit. Go approximately .5 miles to Route 850 W. and turn left, go approximately 1.5 miles then turn right onto Route 780 (Bratton’s Run). Stay on Bratton’s Run until you come to a stop sign, approximately 13 miles. Turn left onto Route 39 West. Follow Route 39 West until you cross over railroad tracks and come to a stop sign. There is a Mill Creek Cafe on the left. Turn left to continue on Route 39 West and Route 42 South. Go approximately 7 miles. Look for Route 635 (TC Walker Rd) on the left. Turn left onto TC Walker Rd. Proceed to stop sign just past the Millboro Fire Department. Turn right on Crooked Spur and then left onto High Street. That will put you in front of our office.

From Clifton Forge
Take 64 Wast to exit 29, Route 42 North. Go approximately 15 miles to Millboro Springs. Turn right onto Route 42 North and 39 East. You will go up the hill approximately 2 miles, just as you crest over the hill turn right onto Route 635 (TC Walker Rd). Proceed to stop sign just past the Millboro Fire Department. Turn right onto Crooked Spur Rd. and then left onto High Street. That will put you in front of our office.
From Warm Springs
Take Route 39 East from Route 220. Follow Route 39 East on through Millboro Springs, approximately 2 miles, just as you crest the hill, turn right onto Route 635 (TC Walker Rd). Proceed to stop sign just past the Millboro Fire Department. Turn right onto Crooked Spur Rd. and then left onto High Street. That will put you in front of our office.