Community Solar
Community Solar is a shared solar garden that is identical to rooftop solar, but without the barriers that accompany rooftop solar. By BARC building and maintaining the array, customers avoid the upfront cost of roof-mounted solar and all maintenance responsibilities. Renters, low-income customers, and those with physical barriers such as inadequate roof space or shading, all can enjoy the benefits of solar through this project. And by BARC fixing the rate for 20 years, this project offers the additional benefit of acting as a hedge against future rate increases.
Customers can subscribe in blocks of solar energy produced from the project. We have initially limited subscriptions to 25% of a customer’s average monthly consumption in order to allow as many members as possible to take advantage of the project. We may increase the cap, but initially it is set at 25%.
Additional details are available in Schedule PV available on our website in the Rates and Tariffs section. Below are a few of the most important items to consider.

- The monthly subscription rate is $4.95 per block of solar energy. This is only $1.00 per block more than what you pay today. This rate only applies to initial subscribers. Unfortunately we cannot promise this low rate will be available for future offerings.
- Community solar energy replaces the “grid power” that BARC would have purchased at its substation for your behalf. Sometimes we refer to this “grid power” as purchased power, or more technically speaking we refer to it as “Electric Supply Service” on your bill.
- The minimum subscription period is 12 months. At the end of 12 months, you may increase the number blocks (depending upon availability) or decrease the number. You can also take no action and let the subscription automatically renew. If you voluntarily disconnect service or move off the system mid-year, you are not obligated to continue your subscription.
To subscribe, please contact us at (800) 846-2272.